In the News.
In the News.
FORBES – Despite Economic Clout And A Youthful Population, Latinos Continue To Be Overlooked By Hollywood (forbes.com)
THE WASHINGTON POST – A guide to how words like Hispanic and Latinx came about
The Washington Post consulted experts to develop a glossary explaining the history and importance of terms like Hispanic, Latino, Latinx and Latine.
NPR – New report finds lack of Latino representation in U.S. media is bad for business
According to a case study that’s in a new report by the Latino Donor Collaborative, Latinos are notably underrepresented in U.S. mainstream media, and that is ultimately bad for business.
LA TIMES – Latinxs are the secret weapon to winning the streaming wars
AXIOS – Despite pandemic, Latinos’ economic power is growing
HISPANIC EXECUTIVE QUARTERLY – Hollywood Is Blinding Itself to the Power of the Latino Community
According to the 2022 Latino Donor Collaborative (LDC) Latinos in Media Report, Hollywood directors, executives, and decision-makers have continued to ignore the largest and one of the most economically powerful minorities in America: Latinos.
AXIOS – New report calls out U.S. media for lack of Latino representation
Latinos continue to be significantly underrepresented in U.S. films and TV series, despite the fact that the group represents nearly one-fifth (20%) of the total U.S. population and $2.8 trillion in total economic output.
TELEMUNDO – Los latinos siguen oscurecidos en la pantalla
Un nuevo informe del grupo Latino Donor Collaborative desglosa la representación en las producciones de Hollywood, y señala a los estudios que menos invierten en los latinos pese a que son de los grupos que más boletos de cine compra.
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