In the News.
In the News.
Ali Velshi: “Latino GDP Grew Faster than Overall American Economy”
NBC NEWS – Latino GDP grew faster than overall U.S. economy between 2010-2017.
U.S Latino GDP is 8th Largest Economy in the World
PACIFIC COAST BUSINESS TIMES – If U.S. Latino GDP was a country, it would be the eighth largest.
Santa Barbara Business News: “Latino GDP Larger than all but 7 nations in the world”
The total economic output, or Gross Domestic Product, of Latinos in the United States was $2.3 trillion in 2017 – larger than that of seven countries.
SAN FERNANDO VALLEY BUSINESS JOURNAL – Report: U.S. Latino Population has Eighth Largest GDP
NPR-Affiliate KCLU: New Report about Latinos in America
Latinos may be the key to future US economic growth, study argues
CNBC – The economic contribution of the U.S. Latino community will become increasingly important moving forward to the economy, according to a new study released Thursday by California Lutheran University.
Latino GDP Reports Economic Growth Beyond American Average
La Economía de los Latinos en America seria el Octavo País del Mundo
TELEMUNDO – Si los latinos en Estados Unidos fueran su propia economía, serían la octava más grande del mundo, de acuerdo con un estudio divulgado este jueves en LATTITUDE, un evento patrocinado por Telemundo.
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