In the News.
In the News.
El Tamaño de la economía Latina en E.U
THE SAN DIEGO UNION-TRIBUNE – Si los latinos en Estados Unidos fueran una economía, serían la octava más grande del mundo, asegura informe.
Latino Workers Save America From Stagnation
WALL STREET JOURNAL – They’re the youngest U.S. ethnic cohort, growing at six times the rate of the total population.
LDC Leaders on the Economic Power of Latinos
EL NUEVO DIA, PUERTO RICO – Ejecutivos latinoamiercanos buscan oportunidades de invertir en la isla.
The American baby bust
NBC Arizona: “LDC Discusses American Latino Impact In the Economy”
NEWS 4 TUCSON – A Southern Arizona group discussed new data on Tuesday, April 30 that shows how Latinos contribute to the American economy.
LDC Discusses American Latino Impact In the Economy
NEWS 4 TUCSON – A Southern Arizona group discussed new data on Tuesday, April 30 that shows how Latinos contribute to the American economy.
The Latino Contribution to the U.S. Economic Dynamism
HISPANIC MAGAZINE – “The data shows: Latinos aren’t only contributing to the economy because there are a lot of them, they’re contributing because they’re entrepreneurial and hard-working, making everyone richer as a result.”
White House using LDC Data
WASHINGTON EXAMINER – Latinos are finding their economic legs under the Trump administration, leading the surge in home ownership and income growth and record low poverty rates, according to two comprehensive new surveys.
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