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The Latino Data Collaborative Think Tank (LDCTT) researches and highlights the vital contributions of American Latinos to the U.S. economy and GDP.
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America’s New Upscale Segment: Latinos

SUMMARY: This report shares the characteristics of U.S. Hispanic upscale households (those with $50,000-$100,000 aggregate annual income). The Latino Upscale community reins nearly 40% of Hispanic spending power.



  • There are around 1.5 million upscale Hispanic homes in the top U.S. Hispanic demographic areas which include Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, Miami, and Houston.
  • Approximately 500,000 upscale Hispanic households have a member that owns their own business.
  • Upscale Hispanics are more likely to use smartphones and iPads, than non-Hispanics.



  • Hispanic Online Marketing: “Upscale Hispanics: Young, Entrepreneurial and Online…” by Lee Vann

  • HispanicPro Blog: “Latinos To Have Increasingly More Influence Over U.S. Consumption & Economic Patterns”


DATE OF PUBLICATION: September 17, 2013 


AUTHORS: Gabriela Alcantara, Reny Diaz, and Carlos Santiago


ABOUT THE RESEARCHER: The Cultural Marketing Council: The Voice of Hispanic Marketing (CMC) was founded as the Association of Hispanic Advertising Agencies (AHAA) and advocated through the use of Hispanic experts for an increased focus on multicultural marketing. In recent years, the AHAA has been rebranded as the CMC to represent all marketing disciplines and influence the U.S. marketing industry through campaigns led by marketing professionals with cultural expertise. The study was co-released by Nielsen.

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