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The Latino Data Collaborative Think Tank (LDCTT) researches and highlights the vital contributions of American Latinos to the U.S. economy and GDP.
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Learn about how the Latino Donor Collaborative is working to reshape the perception of Latinos and find ways to help grow their revenue and market share.

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The LDC engages in initiatives like presentations, forums and outreach to provide decision-makers with free, vital information on the contributions of American Latinos, aiding informed resource allocation.
CEO One-on-One
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Elevate Latinos – Youth Engagement Hub
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Multicultural Millennials: The Multiplier Effect

SUMMARY: This is an in-depth study of multicultural Millennials. It explores key aspects of the population, analyzes their choice of home cities, and outlines how culture, food and technology are essential points of entry for reaching this generation.



  • Multicultural Millennials, who comprise 42% of the Millennial cohort are the nation’s largest workforce demographic.
  • Multicultural Millennials cultivate connections to their culture via technology, with 96% of multicultural Millennials having a smartphone as they influence more than $1 trillion in total consumer packaged goods and entertainment spending.
  • Multicultural Millennials who are active on their mobile devices spend over $65 billion per year and influence more than $1 trillion in total consumer packaged goods and entertainment spending.




ABOUT THE RESEARCHER: Nielsen Holdings N.V. (NYSE: NLSN) is a global information and measurement company with leading market positions in marketing and consumer information, television and other media measurement, online intelligence and mobile measurement. Nielsen has a presence in approximately 100 countries, with headquarters in New York, USA and Diemen, the Netherlands.


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