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2024 SHPE-LDC U.S. Latinos in Engineering and Tech Report

The 2024 SHPE-LDC U.S. Latinos in Engineering and Tech Report provides an in-depth look at the critical role Latinos play in shaping the future of engineering and technology. Produced by the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) and the Latino Donor Collaborative (LDC), this report highlights the growing presence of Latino students and professionals in STEM fields while addressing key challenges and opportunities for advancing Latino talent in high-tech industries.

Latino enrollment in undergraduate engineering programs has surged by 38.6% from 2012 to 2022, with engineering degrees awarded to Latinos increasing by 56.7% in the same period. Despite this growth, financial barriers, lack of mentorship, and institutional challenges continue to hinder broader representation in the workforce. The report underscores the need for targeted programs, scholarships, and policy changes to accelerate Latino success in engineering and technology careers.

SHPE’s initiatives, such as Virtual STEM Labs and Equipando Padres, are making a measurable impact by increasing early STEM exposure, providing mentorship, and fostering strong support networks. With the U.S. projected to need 11.8 million STEM professionals by 2033, Latinos are uniquely positioned to bridge workforce gaps, drive innovation, and strengthen the nation’s global competitiveness.

For a comprehensive analysis of how Latinos are shaping the engineering and tech sectors, download the 2024 SHPE-LDC U.S. Latinos in Engineering and Tech Report from the Latino Donor Collaborative website. Be part of the movement to support and elevate Latino talent in STEM.

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