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The Latino Data Collaborative Think Tank (LDCTT) researches and highlights the vital contributions of American Latinos to the U.S. economy and GDP.
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Hollywood Diversity Report

SUMMARY: This report looks at the relationships between diversity and the bottom line in the Hollywood entertainment industry, and finds that minorities remain unrepresented on all fronts.



  • Latinos accounted for 23% of movie ticket purchasing in 2015 .
  • Majority-minority shows more than doubled: increasing from 3.3% of all shows in 2013-2014, to 8.9% in 2014-2015.
  • In 2015, films with 10.3% of winning films having 11-20% diverse casts and 10% of winning films having a 41-50% diverse cast were most common.
  • In 2015, films with casts of 21-30% diversity had a median box office of $105,000,000 while the box office for films with 10% diversity had a median of $41,900,000.


  • Diversity Inc, Diverse Film Casts Keep Hollywood Execs Making Money at Box Office, Says Report, Sheryl Estrada




AUTHORS: Dr. Darnell Hunt (Director of the Ralph J. Bunche Center; Chair of UCLA Sociology Department), Dr. Ana Christina Ramon (Assistant Director of the Bunche Center), Micheal Tran (Sociology Graduate Student Researcher at UCLA), Amberia Sargent (Doctoral candidate in Sociology at UCLA), and Dr. Vanessa Diaz (Assistant Professor of Communications at CSU-Fullerton; and a Ford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow).


ABOUT THE RESEARCHER: The Ralph J. Bunche Center for African American Studies at UCLA’s position as an interdisciplinary “think tank” allows center researchers to leverage the strengths of UCLA and is the West Coast’s premier research institute on African American Studies.

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